Sunday, September 1, 2013

date night

Well the date ended up being last night instead of Friday but it was great. First we got dressed up and stopped by a friends house for a little bit but upon leaving there Sir and I realized I had forgotten to grab panties for under my dress, he never lets me go anywhere in a dress or skirt without panties. So he went to the trunk of the car where I usually keep a few spares and upon handing me a sexy little g string(as long as the front is covered the booty is ok but he prefers usually to even cover that up) he doesn't like to even visually share me with other men, ironiclly enough thats the only way I'd like to be shared with other men.
Well when he closed the trunk somehow he ended up locking my keys in there.
So then we had to go back inside and have his friend come outside to help us, after about an hour we finally get the key, Sir is a mess at this point, a stark contrast to me in my little white and black cocktail dress. So he borrows a shirt from our friend and cleans up a little bit and we head over to destination one, Copeland's for cheesecake. I've been craving cheese cake for at least a month if not a little longer so after he chose my slice and his and we ate up we headed to the movie theater to see mortal instruments.
All in all a really great date.
But for some reason during the movie I was having trouble breathing(last year after contracting numerous upper respitory infections at once I developed asthma to add to my already long list of chronic(long term, sorry im still a little used to medical slang) ailments.
Then we are headed home and im trying to force my brething to balance out and  suddenly the wheel jerks and we are hitting  the side of the bridge my car scraping it some and ultimately scaring the hell out of me so I wind up hyperventilating.
We pull over after getting off of the bridge and check for damage, turns out just a small scrape and he sits with me until I calm down a little then back on our way home we go.
So by the time we eventually did return home I was more than ready for my inhaler cuddles. I figured the perfect top off to the night would be some of his amazing sex after those cuddles but it turned out we both were ready for rest..
So thats yesterday. I need to take a shower now so ill post today's events in a little while or tomorrow morning.
Tonight I definitely will fuck that man though. We both need the stress relief from today and look forward to pleasing that delicious cock of his.

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